Drone Service

Drone Service

The SoMKI GmbH has specialized as a cross-industry service company in technical flights with unmanned aerial systems for the whole of Germany.

Whether damage surveys, monitoring, inspections, special analyses or classic aerial photography. The broadly diversified portfolio offers the suitable solution when it comes to professional drone missions and the subsequent processing or analysis of the data.

With a well-rehearsed team of specialists in the field of remote sensing, as well as experienced pilots for every application, we guarantee optimal results, which
usually not only meet the expectations of our customers, but even exceed them.

Whichever service you choose. Precise, as well as high quality data at an economically attractive pricing, have
is our top priority. In addition, our company always strives to provide our customers with the best possible and individual solutions for every type of requirement. For this purpose we exclusively use sensors, camera technology and software solutions from market-leading and renowned manufacturers.

By telephone or in writing
Let us know what type of service you require. Try to provide as much information as possible for precise planning.

Within 48h
On the basis of your information we will prepare an individual and binding fixed price offer for you. If there are any questions, we will contact you personally.

In case of an order we take care of a detailed project planning including possibly necessary communication with authorities and permissions.
You will receive a schedule and the responsible contact person from us.

In accordance with our offer and after the client’s order, the exact execution of the order is carried out. Unforeseeable, however
necessary changes at the place of use, will be communicated with the client immediately and

After the drone supported data acquisition on site, the evaluation and further processing of the data takes place in our office. Whether
Postproduction of aerial photographs or aerial video recordings or the evaluation of the data obtained.
Within the agreed time schedule, the data is prepared for handover.

The data is usually transferred digitally via a cloud solution. If hard copies are required, we send them via our shipping service provider.

Our services in detail

In addition to working platforms, complex scaffolding constructions or industrial climbers, several people usually had to
can be used. With our drones and high-resolution camera technology, it is now possible to record, document and
to be evaluated. Thereby we create images with at least 20 MegaPixel.
However, major property damage can also be caused by weather conditions, which must be analysed. Whether, for example, damage in the
Agriculture, on real estate due to heavy rain and hail or storm damage. We are able to photographically repair any damage from the air
to be recorded. Precise damage assessment and documentation are indispensable, especially when claiming insurance benefits.

A very special service from our company is the inspection of photovoltaic modules, especially of large solar parks.
Thus we enable the customer to check all rows & modules comfortably on the computer screen after the flight without the need for a specialist.
or the operator himself must be on site during the flight in order to locate the defective modules on the live camera image in real time.

Recret search
To avoid damage to agricultural machinery, the harvest and of course the animal. If we fly on behalf of the customer, before mowing the
desired area and mountains if desired the animal or communicate the position to the farmer.

Photo and video recording
Also when it comes to professional aerial photography, SoMKI GmbH is YOUR contact person.
Whether company premises, buildings or landscapes. Almost any motif can be staged in an interesting and exciting way.
But our portfolio also includes video recordings for image films, advertising campaigns or film productions. Special camera technology is also included,
like the professional postproduction for the complete photo or video material.